Something that has come up a lot in the past couple of years, for me and people I sim with now who were also simmers back in the day, is the way that simming has changed. Or how simmers/simming interaction has changed. Of course, it can't help but change because everything does. Some people like where it is, some people like where it was, and some folks roll easily between the two.
I started on my first Trek game in 2001, and I was a teenager. In those early years, I found that most of my sims were populated by people around my age (give or take a few years, but mostly teen/college types). We didn't have nearly as much "adult stuff" to worry about and were all very eager. A captain could drop a plot log and the simmers would run off in ten directions, creating everything as they went. (Which mostly made COs happy with just the occasional speed bump.)
These days, I find most of us simming are that same crop of people, but we are all...quite a bit older now. There's jobs, bills, marriages, kids, and all that adult stuff. We are all different people than when we started doing this, and the nature of the game has changed with us.
Now, most simmers aren't as eager to jump outside the box. We are more aware and more concerned with the consequences. We've also learned what it's like to be the one to deal with it afterward. We don't have nearly as much time or energy anymore. We've learned the value of planning ahead. Most of us no longer think it's better to "beg forgiveness than ask permission."