“As a member of the staff, it is my job to maintain the health of this website second, only to maintaining the health of this community, to ensure that everyone is happy, content, and feel respected. To ensure that everyone is heard, understood, and is always given a fair chance in the moment, regardless of past infractions. Because without the community, the website has nothing.”
“It is not my job to control the thoughts and actions of my community by use of my authority over them or to utilize my authority at anytime, unless every other course of action has been taken, and a player is proving, after all other options have been exhausted, that they have no compassion, empathy, or basic respect for the community, beyond the shadow of a doubt, and that up until that has been proven, I shall treat that player with Dignity, Respect, and I will not hold their past against them, because people aren’t perfect.”
Now, in a perfect world, Staff would never have to do anything but work on the website. There would be no problems. Though, that is not the human condition. There will be conflict, it’s inevitable, it has to be accepted, and your last course of action should be to use your authority on a player because they are involved in a conflict. Now, there are exceptions to that. Trolls. There’s your exception.
So first. What does a player want? Why do players cause problems? Very rarely, do you have a player causing problems that can’t be solved. Solving problems isn’t a battle. It isn’t a Me vs You. It isn’t an “I’m Right, Your Wrong.” It should never be a battle for dominance, especially when you have the dominant position, which all staff members of a website have in their sphere of influence.